XIAMEN KSR INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer of art bags and luxury leather goods.
We print art paintings onto bags and artistically create bags and luxury leather goods. That is why Art to Bag (Art2Bag).
We got authorized to use many famous art paintings including Chinese traditional and western art. Our print transfer technology ensured the paintings vividly transferred from digital format onto PU, silk, polyester and leather materials. It is waterproof and no color fading. We print art paintings to bags, wallets, purse and cases. So we have many selling combination for a series theme.
Our team has more than 20 years of bag industry experience. We are not after business scale. We struggle to work together with our customers for the creativity, quality, and value added. We insist on craftsmanship and handiwork during production. You can feel our quality and details when you touch it and study it.
Our bags not only bags, It is valued added with art!
We have many customers like famous museum, private label and brand buyers around the world sourcing from us.
Please kindly contact us for more details. We are ready to go!