Address: NO.258-278 2nd Buiding,Century Star City,Liuyang,Hunan,China
Country: China
Phone: 86-731-3636666-831 - Mobi: 86-13574152335
pháo hoa,cake fireworks
Price: 0
Cake fireworks are called cold-flame fireworks which are the safest ones to be displayed,as smokeless,favor less,free from pollution,etc.
They are used for inside and outside to especially celebrate the special person's brithday and to celebrate special occasions.They will bring everyone an unforgettable experience!
We specialize in various kinds of fireworks to worldwide,such as,display shells,cakes,rockets,fountains,candles,single shot,mine,multi-tube,missiles,ground spinner,helicopters,wheels,reloadable shells,party oppers,firecrackers,match cracker,toys,sparklers,stage fireworks,magic lamps and firing system,etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. We will try our endeavour to assist you. WEBSITE: MSN/
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