Address: 403-405, Time Square, Near Pariseema Complex, C G Road
Country: India
Phone: 91-79-2669261 - Mobi:
Alcoholic Drink Plant
Price: 0
Alcoholic drinks come under many different brands and types. The level of alcohol present in them and ingredients used to prepare them differentiates them from each other. Our Alcoholic Drink plant provides a unique system to prepare and pack the alcoholic drinks.
Machines involved in Alcoholic Drinks Plant are:
LZ- 101 : Alcohol Storage Tank
To store raw Alcohol
LZ- 101 : Water storage tank
To store pure water to be added to the alcohol
LZ- 102 : Stainless Steel Mixing Tank
To mix the alcohol and water along with the flavor, color, preservative etc. to prepare ready to drink Alcoholic beverage
LZ-101 : Finished Product Storage Tank
To store the uniformly blended alcoholic drink before packing
All the above machines form the complete Alcoholic Drink Plant. Alcoholic Drinks can be packed in Bottles and pouches. We provide following packing machines to pack Alcoholic Drink for you: