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Metal Gabion
Price: 22
Metal Gabion is divided into cells with diaphragms (usually spaced at 1 meter or 3’ intervals), whose function is to reinforce the structure. The mesh (except for the diaphragms) is reinforced on all edges with wires of a larger diameter to strengthen the gabions and facilitate the assembly and installation.
Metal Gabion consists of rectangular units, fabricated from a double-twisted hexagonal mesh. Filled with stones, gabions become large, flexible and permeable elements from which a broad range of structures may be built. Gabions and mattresses are widely used for hydraulic and geo- technical control such as retaining walls, riverbank protections, weirs, channel linings etc.
Metal Gabion
Surface treatment:
1. Electro galv. Gabion box
2.Common Hot-dipped galv. Gabion box, Zinc coated about 50g/m2
3.Heavy Hot-dipped galv. Gabion box, Zinc coating complies to ASTM-A641-1998 & EN 10244-2
4.PVC coated gabion box complies to ASTM A975 & EN 10245-2
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