Address: RM1910,Paradise Building A,No.4001 Banxuegang Road,Longgang District
Country: China
Phone: 075584528985 - Mobi: 13828858725
Dielectric Resonator StrongFirst
Price: 1
Dielectric Resonator StrongFirst Dielectric Resonator components include three different modes, such as TEM mode, TE mode, and TM mode. They are not only have advantageous of high Q value, serialization of temperature coefficient, and serialization of dielectric constant; but also, with design flexibility for customization. Because of these advantages, dielectric resonator elements are commonly designed for LNB, Doppler response, base stations, and Repeaters.... StrongFirst Dielectric Resonator Reduces the size of microwave devices. Low loss and high dielectric constant. 1. High purity, high density ceramics minimize wastage. 2. High dielectric constant makes possible the miniaturization of microwave circuits. Temperature-compensated dielectric constant enables stable microwave oscillators. 3. The high purity and smooth surface of the ceramics make them ideal for MIC applications. Various shapes are available to meet the needs of a custom application.
The microwaves are confined inside the resonator material by the abrupt change in permittivity at the surface, and bounce back and forth between the sides. At certain frequencies, the resonant frequencies, the microwaves form standing waves in the resonator, oscillating with large amplitudes.
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