Address: 106 Fengze East Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou City
Country: China
Phone: - Mobi: 15711938480
WEPACK‘s coffee packing machines
Price: 20
WEPACK offers a wide range of packaging equipmentfor coffee and sugar. Coffee (and sugar) manufacturers choose WEPACK‘s coffee packing machines because they are easy to use, durable and pack coffee and tea products at the high speeds required. Our coffee bagging machines are designed and manufactured specifically for the coffee industry. From whole coffee beans to ground coffee and ground coffee, we have all the soft bagging solutions covered. Coffee packaging plants choose our coffee bagging machines because they are easy to operate, long-lasting, quiet and highly efficient for bagging coffee items. In addition, as part of our automated packaging solutions, we also offer our customers auxiliary equipment such as conveyors, augers, volumetric fillers and scales, depending on their specific situation
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