Address: 300 Meters North Of Tangbei Village, Donghuang Town, Hengshui, Hebei, China
Country: China
Phone: 135 8212 0893 - Mobi: 135 8212 0893
pvc coated gabions
Price: PVC Coated Gabions Control and guide of water or flood flood bank or guiding bank,preventing of rock breaking;Water and soil protection;Bridge protection;Strengthening structure of soil; Protection engineering of seaside area. PVC Coated Gabions Galvanized steel wire and zinc-aluminum alloy steel wire can be used as both woven gabions and welded gabions. However, PVC-coated steel wires are only suitable for woven gabions. When welding, the PVC coating of the steel wire will melt and come off on the wire joints. It is more likely to corrode and rust, so PVC coated wire is not suitable for welded gabions. Welded gabions can be made from steel wire or galvanized wire and then PVC coated. In this way, welded gabions can also become colorful and more suitable for decorative applications. Application retaining wall. Channel lining. revetment. Slope protection. Riparian protection. Flood protection. Landscape construction. planter.
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