Supplier: Apoaqua Group
Contact person: Mr. liu
Address: Dezhou Economic Development Zone
Country: China
Phone: - Mobi: 13780308628

Apoaqua Municipal Wastewater and Sludge Multi Disc Screw Pre

Price: 2250

Municipal sludge is a by-product of urbansewage treatment. With the acceleration of urbanization and the increase inpopulation, the discharge of sewage is increasing day by day. This generates alarge amount of sludge that needs to be treated. At present, the main treatmentmethods for sludge in urban sewage treatment plants include gravityconcentration, conditioning, centrifuge dehydration, etc. The generated mudcake is transported out for subsequent disposal, such as incineration,landfill, etc. However, the treatment efficiency is low, the cost is high, andthe effect needs to be further improved.

At the same time, at least 14% of thesludge has not been effectively treated. Sludge dewatering is an important partof sludge treatment, and its dewatering effect directly affects the subsequenttreatment and disposal process of sludge. Therefore, it is particularlyimportant to develop efficient sludge dewatering technology.

Apoaqua conducts research on problems suchas low municipal sludge treatment efficiency and high sludge moisture content.Based on this, we developed a new multi disc screw press. Improve thedewatering performance of sludge, dewater the concentrated sludge, and build ahigh-efficiency sludge dewatering system to improve the treatment efficiency ofmunicipal sludge.

SludgeMulti Disc Screw Press Advantage

Widely applicable. Able to treat municipalsludge of various properties, such as industrial wastewater, domestic sewage,etc.

Efficient dehydration. multi disc screwpress uses a unique structural design and operating principle. It canefficiently remove water from sludge and has a good dehydration effect.

Automatic operation. It can realizeautomatic control, reduce manual operation, and improve operation efficiencyand stability.

The multi plate screw press has a compactstructure, occupies a small area and saves space.

Easy maintenance. The equipment isrelatively simple to maintain and easy to operate and manage.

Energy saving and environmental protection.The energy consumption is low during operation, the environmental impact issmall, and it meets the environmental protection requirements.

When choosing a multi plate screw press,you also need to consider factors such as the equipment’s processing capacity,operating costs, and reliability. To ensure that it can meet the actual needsof the sewage treatment plant. At the same time, the operating parametersshould be reasonably adjusted according to the characteristics of the sludge.To achieve the best dehydration effect.
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