Contact person: Mr. Shuyun Zhong
Address: No.42,Fenghuangshan RD,Dongshan Town, Wuzhong District,Jiangsu
Country: China
Phone: - Mobi: 13812665993

Valve jacket thermal insulation


Valve jacket thermal insulation
Jacket insulation for valves (thermal insulation of valve jacket)Comply with UL1709/ISO22899/BS476 fire protection standards
High-performance flexible detachable insulation component technology and application: Computer 3D design structure according to the shape of the equipment, accurate calculation of insulation thickness according to temperature, and improved fitting rate.
insulation jacketing materials,Temperature from -180℃-1200℃. removable insulation jacketing materials,It can fully fit various equipment with irregular shapes (for example: steam turbines, reactors, engine exhaust pipes, turbines, etc.) and can provide the best insulation effect in corrosive and neutral atmosphere environments.
Jacket insulation components not only consider insulation effect and structure, but also take into account sound insulation and passive fire protection.

Product Structure

Our products are composed of four layers: wear-resistant layer, inner lining layer, thermal insulation layer and outer protective layer. The exterior is sewn with hardware connectors such as metal nails, D-rings, buckles, stainless steel clamps, etc.


Thermal Preservation



Technical Skills

Determine the design plan based on the shape of the workpiece

Why choose to use high performance flexible removable insulation components?
Design concept, core materials: three-dimensional customized design, high-performance material application (aerogel, Kevlar fiber, etc.); multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary (materials science, thermal energy dynamics, sheet metal design and fashion design, etc.).

insulation jacketing materials Thermal insulation performance: reduce heat loss, save energy and reduce consumption, reduce thermal bridges, enhance heat lock and insulation capabilities, etc. Production and manufacturing automation: reduce labor, scrap rate, increase material utilization, production and use both reduce solid waste generation, and are beneficial to environmental protection. Standardized and standardized production and manufacturing: SOP procedural operation and manufacturing. Strong tolerance: high and low temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, UV resistance, smoke resistance, fire resistance, sound insulation and noise reduction, etc. Long life/convenience: resistance to repeated disassembly, installation and replacement without the need for site and complex installation equipment.

Chaqueta de aislamiento,Campos de aplicaciónChaquetas de aislamiento para válvulas y tuberías,Caja de bridas,PETRÓLEO,GAS E INDUSTRIAequipos y tuberías para refinerías, centrales eléctricas, plantas de GNL, plantas petroquímicas, plantas de cemento et.

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